La Dépendance Vinyl Collection & Ephemera I on Radio Megahex

Listen Mix I    –> here

3 – 6.6.
La Dépendence is inhabited by a small library that was inaugurated in May 2019.
Each resident can choose 3 books and one LP after their stay that are afterwards included in the growing collection.
Additionally books thought to be of interest for the conceptual development of La Dépendence find entry.
After two years of existence a number of books has come together.
Resident Martina Henzi invited for 4 days of open library during her stay dedicated to browsing and reading.

La Dépendance Vinyl Collection & Ephemera II on Radio Megahex
Listen Mix II  –> here

Indice Ultraviolet: Décalage vers le rouge
Apian, Early Labyrinth & Sol Calero, Marie Griesmar, Renaud Loda,
Raphaëlle Mueller, MACACO Press, Francisco Sierra,
Jan van Oordt / La Dépendance
(with contributions by Holly White, Reto Pulfer and Mathis Pfäffli)

at CAN Centre d’art Neuchâtel

Sunday 27. 6. 17.00

Performance by Reto Pulfer
at La Dépendance; St. Imier

Saturday 10.7.
Rock, rock my Baby – Filme von Helke Sander
Organized by Riverside & La Dépendance
















1.Eine Prämie für Irene, 1971
2. Aus Berichten der Wach-und Patrouillendienste Nr.1, 1985
3. Aus Berichten der Wach-und Patrouillendienste Nr.5, 1986
4. Aus Berichten der Wach-und Patrouillendienste Nr.8, 1986
5. Hannelore Mabry, 2005
6. Silvo, 1967
7. Brecht die Macht der Manipulateure, 1967/68
8.Völlerei? Füttern! 1986
9. Dorf, 2001

With kind support by Deutsche Kinemathek, Berlin

Climbing Camp
20-25. 7. 2021

With the participation and contributions of :
Vincent Barras; Donatella Bernardi; Hrefna Hörn Leifsdóttir; Stan Iordanov; Nina Kennel; Vera König;
Sarah Makina; Philip Poppek; Leifur Orn Svavarsson; Hayahisa Tomiyasu; Martina-Sofie Wildberger.
Organised by Fabrice Scheider and la Dépendance.

26.8 2021 Lokal-Int; Biel

Eremitage; Exhibition by Resident Anna Bak
Talk on her interest in the paradoxes and myths spun by the encounter between the artist and isolation in the wilderness, and reading from her book
Wilderness Survival – A Guide to the Aesthetics of Survivalism published by Onomatopee (2015).

11.9 – 26.9
Animated Matter
Group exhibition curated by Mathis Pfäffli
With Lisa Lurati, Manuel Schneider, Anna Bak, Matheline Marmy,
Micha Zweifel, Hammer Band (Raphael Stucky/Res Thierstein)

19.9 Performance 16.00
Hammer Band (Raphael Stucky/Res Thierstein)